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Mission Cloud Launches Cloud Score

Hi, I’m Kris, VP of Product Operations and Design at Mission, and part of the team responsible for building Mission Control. Mission Control is our cloud services platform, designed to seamlessly consolidate cloud management and expert services, empowering users with intuitive tools for cost optimization, performance enhancement, and team productivity.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our first software-driven solution in the AWS Marketplace: Mission Cloud Score, powered by Mission Control. Previously only available to our Managed Service customers, Mission Cloud Score is now available to any AWS customer with AWS Business support or higher.

The Challenge of Optimization

Staying well-architected is crucial for operational efficiency and strategic growth. However, many of our customers express how challenging it can be to track the impact of optimization efforts, or even know where to begin. That is why we created the Mission Cloud Score, based on our proprietary algorithm and a combination of AWS Trusted Advisor, AWS Security Hub, and AWS Compute Optimizer.

Your Optimization Journey, Visualized and Simplified

Mission Cloud Score allows you to benchmark your environment against AWS best practices, and with each infrastructural change you make, see how your score adjusts to create a transparent history of optimization. By giving you an intuitive interface, we transform the way you view your environment, offering a tighter feedback loop for how your initiatives affect overall environmental health and alignment to AWS best practices. 

At the core of Mission Cloud Score is our dedication to transforming complex data into practical, actionable insights. Our design philosophy centers on presenting the most valuable AWS environment information in a simple and concise format. 

The aim here is to provide users with a seamless experience where they can quickly benchmark their environment and hone in on what truly matters, with clear visualizations of trends, architectural concerns, and data that can be marshaled to coordinate your team. This collaborative approach is also the DNA of Mission Control, where we create a partnership between our insights and your team’s expertise to drive optimization, management, and support. Should your team not have the capacity or capability to act on our suggestions, our professional services teams can assist, ensuring your AWS environment is optimized to achieve your business goals.

Efficiency at Your Fingertips

We believe the path to optimization should be painless, so we designed Cloud Score to go from onboarding to benchmarks in less than 10 minutes.  To subscribe to Cloud Score, simply log in to your AWS account, which has AWS Business Support or Higher, and subscribe from the Mission Cloud Score AWS Marketplace listing page.  You will be prompted to configure your app, which will require you to create a Mission Control account and deploy an IAM role to your account. After we’ve verified that the IAM role is deployed, your first Cloud Score will be calculated within just a few minutes.  If you would like to add additional accounts or users to Cloud Score, you can easily accomplish this from within the Cloud Score application. 

Once your first Cloud Score is generated successfully, you will receive a new Cloud Score nightly. At the end of each month, you will also receive a summary email of how your score has changed over the previous 30 days, helping you to track your progress over time. 

Just the Beginning

The launch of Mission Cloud Score is just the start. We’re already working on expanding our Cloud Score offerings to assess even more dimensions of environmental health and the most common concerns we hear from our customers. 

We are truly excited about the future of Mission Cloud Score, and we would love to hear from you! If you have any feedback or suggestions please drop a note to our product team -

Are you ready to benchmark your AWS environment? Join us and start optimizing today with Mission Cloud Score!

Author Spotlight:

Kris Bernard

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